Scalar Heart Connection Basic Training
Learn Scalar Heart Connection with Sophia Avramides
Join the Scalar Heart Connection basic training workshop to learn how to identify what is blocking you from experiencing the life you want and deserve. You will learn to be guided by your heart's inner knowing, align your energy with the your goals and transform patterns that block you into patterns for attracting what is life enhancing. You will become an expert on how to use this process on yourself and how you can apply it with your clients and loved ones.
Learn in the comfort of your home at your own pace through the online Scalar Heart Connection training.
Join a live workshop with Sophia where you will have plenty of opportunity to practice the skills you learn, ask questions and be part of a group of people who are all taking this exciting journey of self-discovery, learning and transformation together.
If you cannot find a live workshop near you and are interested in hosting one for your family, friends, clients or others in your area, please get in touch by emailing Sophia at