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Client Agreement for Services

Thank you for booking a session with me. I look forward to working with you to facilitate the transformation you seek. Please read the contents of this document carefully and initial and sign where indicated to show your understanding and consent.

With love and gratitude,

Sophia Avramides
Certified Resonance Repatterning® and Scalar Heart Connection® Practitioner


In this document you will find:

  1. Information on Resonance Repatterning®, Scalar Heart Connection® and the Magui Block® Method

  2. Privacy policy

  3. Standards of practice

  4. Fees and cancellation policy


1. Resonance Repatterning®, Scalar Heart Connection® and the Magui Block® method


Resonance Repatterning®, Scalar Heart Connection® and the Magui Block® method are alternative, self-healing methods within the field of Energy Medicine. These and other energy methods are designed to gauge where the body’s energy field is constricted or obstructed and then restore and rebalance the flow of energy with the intention of increasing health and vitality. Energy methods postulate that the subtle flow of energy within our body-mind system is important for health and well-being on all levels – physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual.


Resonance Repatterning® is a process of energy healing that uses muscle checking (applied kinesiology) to access our body’s energy field and identify non-coherent frequency patterns that are limiting our lives. Its premise is that the frequencies we hold in our body-mind field are a filter through which we perceive our reality, and that changing these frequencies – through a specially chosen energizing tool – can alter our perception and the reality we experience in our lives, our work, and our relationships. Developed by Chloe Faith Wordsworth, who has over four decades of experience in the field of energy healing, Resonance Repatterning is a unique tool for personal transformation and self-healing. With its clear structure and over 100 repatternings to choose from, Resonance Repatterning can help us identify limiting beliefs, unmet needs, negative emotions and life-depleting habits we are ready to release and transform them into life-enhancing, positive emotions and beliefs that can have beneficial ripple effects throughout our lives, our work, and our relationships. Resonance Repatterning sessions can be conducted in person or through video conferencing or voice call. In addition, another person can act as a proxy for someone who is unable to participate in a session, with that person’s prior consent. A young child, for instance, can have a parent or guardian act as their proxy, or a session can be done on behalf of a client who is unable to make an appointment (please see Section 4 – Fees and Cancellation Policy for more info).

Scalar Heart Connection® is a process of energy healing that uses our heart’s innate connection to the energy/quantum field, within which all matter exists, to identify non-coherent frequency patterns that are limiting our lives. As with Resonance Repatterning® and other energy based methods, its premise is that the frequencies we hold in our body-mind field are a filter through which we perceive our reality, and that changing these frequencies – in the case of Scalar Heart Connection, through a set of tones known as the Quantum Healing Codes – can alter our perception and the reality we experience in our lives, our work, and our relationships. Developed by Stephen Linsteadt, who has over three decades of experience in the field of energy healing, Scalar Heart Connection is a unique tool for personal transformation and self-healing. With its straightforward process, simple interface, and integration of archetypal patterns, Scalar Heart Connection can help us identify limiting beliefs, unmet needs, negative emotions and life-depleting habits we are ready to release and transform them into life-enhancing, positive emotions and beliefs that can have ripple effects throughout our lives, our work, and our relationships. Scalar Heart Connection sessions can be conducted in person or through video conferencing or voice call.

The Magui Block® method is a process of energy healing that uses muscle testing and/or conscious choice to access our body’s energy field and identify non-coherent frequency patterns that originate in our family system and are limiting our lives. Its premise is that unresolved issues in our family and other systems we belong to hinder us from feeling at peace and colour our perception and the reality we experience in our lives, our work and our relationships. By becoming aware of and changing the frequency we hold in our body – through a specifically chosen transformation exercise – we restore balance and the flow of energy in ourselves and the systems we belong to. Developed by Magui Block, who has received accreditation in several fields including Gestald Psychotherapy, Family Constellation Therapy, Resonance Repatterning, Family Therapy, Rapid Eye Movement, and Eriksonian Hypnosis, the Magui Block method is a unique tool for personal transformation and self-healing. With its clear structure and unique tools, the Magui Block method can help us identify and transform systemic issues, limiting beliefs, unmet needs and life-depleting habits we are ready to release and transform them into life-enhancing, positive emotions and beliefs that can have ripple effects throughout our lives, our work, and our relationships. Magui Block method sessions can be conducted in person or through video conferencing or voice call.


The benefits of Resonance Repatterning®, Scalar Heart Connection® and the Magui Block® method can be experienced on all levels. While there are no guarantees, clients have reported experiencing a lightness and renewed sense of hope after sessions. Others have talked about physical benefits, such as increased stamina and coordination in their favourite sport. Another client said, “I have found the connection to God that I’ve been searching for all my life. I feel like I can face anything now, knowing I am not alone.”


Although energy methods are intended for “healing”, it should not be inferred that Resonance Repatterning®, Scalar Heart Connection®, the Magui Block® method and/or other energy methods are the practice of medicine, psychology, or other licensed healthcare practice. Instead, these methods are designed to help rebalance the energy systems of the body, so that favourable circumstances are created in which the mind/body can self-heal of its own accord. Although these methods appear to show promising health benefits, they have yet to be conclusively researched and should, therefore, be considered unproven.

Please initial to indicate that you accept and understand that the effectiveness, risks, and benefits of energy methods are, currently, not entirely known and that the word “healing” is used to mean different things in licensed healthcare practice and energy healing methods:


Sophia Avramides is a Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner, a Certified Scalar Heart Connection® Practitioner and is currently taking training in the Magui Block® method. She is not a physician, psychologist, or other licensed health care professional and does not provide psychological or medical diagnosis, advice, opinion, or treatments on,,, social media, or in her sessions. You are strongly advised to seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health related decisions.

Please initial to indicate that you understand and agree with the above:



2. Privacy Policy


Anasa360 and Sophia Avramides are committed to protecting your privacy and the security of your Personal Data. The information you share with Anasa360 allows us to provide you with the best experience and results from our services, and to improve our websites and the services we offer. This privacy policy explains what personal data Anasa360 collects from you when you use our services, how we use it, and what steps we take to ensure it is protected. This privacy policy was last updated on 4 May 2023.


What data we collect

We collect the following information before and during a Resonance Repatterning®, Magui Block® method and/or a Scalar Heart Connection® session:

  • Personal identification information (Name, email address, phone number, date of birth, address & country)

  • Session notes, which may include reasons for choosing to have a session, earlier life experiences, emotions experienced, outcomes that you would like from your session, etc.

  • For Group Resonance Repatterning® sessions, your problems and intentions by way of a form. Please be aware that we use Google Forms or Jot Forms to collect this information. Check out their Privacy Policy here: and


We also use third party services for collecting payment. Please read PayPal’s privacy policy here: and Wix’s privacy policy here:


How we use your data

Anasa360 uses your data to:

  • Respond to your questions

  • Personalize your experience

  • Improve our website and the services we provide

  • Process and facilitate your membership

  • Confirm changes in resonance during a Resonance Repatterning®, Magui Block® method and/or a Scalar Heart Connection® session

  • Determine the most beneficial next steps for your self-healing journey and/or referrals

  • Email you a newsletter and/or special offers on our services that we think you might like

  • Anasa360 does not sell your data or share it with third parties with the exception of the Resonance Repatterning International Institute with whom we share your name and email so you can receive more information about Resonance Repatterning® through their newsletter, from which you may choose to unsubscribe at any time.


How we store and protect your data

Scalar Heart Connection® session notes are stored online in a password protected account with Scalar Heart Connection and also as a PDF on one encrypted USB. Resonance Repatterning® and Magui Block® method session notes are stored on the same USB in an editable format. Session notes of all types of sessions are periodically backed up to an encrypted folder on a portable hard-drive. When session notes are emailed to you, they are in a password protected PDF format (the password is communicated to you during your session and is known only by you and Sophia Avramides). This does not apply to Scalar Heart Connection session notes, which are emailed to you directly through Scalar Heart Connection. Group session notes are shared free of all personal identification information with the participants of the session through Any suspected data security breach will be reported to you and any applicable regulator.


How long we keep your data

Comments and testimonials on our website are kept indefinitely. Your emails, text/WhatsApp messages, and session notes are stored for a maximum of ten years. Once this time period has elapsed, your data is deleted.


Who we share your data with

Anasa360 does not sell your data or share it with third parties, with the exception of the Resonance Repatterning International Institute with whom we share your name and email so you can receive more information about Resonance Repatterning® through their newsletter, from which you may unsubscribe at any time. Resonance Repatterning®, Magui Block® method and Scalar Heart Connection® sessions are confidential and their content is not discussed with third parties without your prior written consent, unless ordered by a court of law or any authority having the power to do so. We may also share personal information with law enforcement or other authorities if required by an applicable law.

If you participate in Group Sessions, the content of these sessions is shared with all participants. Where possible this is done anonymously, however, in certain cases, such as sessions in which participants take part through a live video call, anonymity is impossible to maintain. In these cases, all participants agree to maintain confidentiality and not discuss the content of these sessions with anyone not present in the session. Sophia Avramides and Anasa360 are not responsible for any breach in confidentiality by participants of these sessions.


Your data protection rights

Anasa360 would like to make sure you are fully aware of all of your data protection rights. You are entitled to:

  • Know what we are doing with your information and why we are doing it

  • Ask to see what information we hold about you

  • Ask us to correct any mistakes in the information we hold about you or add any information that is missing

  • Object to direct marketing by Anasa360

  • Withdraw consent at any time


Depending on our reasons for using your information, you may also be entitled to the following. Please be aware, however, that exercising some of these rights may result in us being unable to continue providing our services to you. You may:


  • Ask us to delete information we hold about you

  • Have your information transferred electronically to you

  • Object to decisions being made that significantly affect you

  • Object to how we are using your information

  • Stop us using your information in certain ways


If you make a request, we have one month to respond to you. If you would like to exercise any of these rights, please email us at To protect your privacy, we may ask you to identify yourself.


How to contact the appropriate authority

Should you wish to report a complaint or if you feel that Anasa360 has not addressed your concerns in a satisfactory manner, you may contact the Information Commissioner’s Office of your country of residence. Anasa360 is based in Brazil, but has clients in other countries.


Please initial to indicate you have read, understand, and accept our Privacy Policy:



3. Standards of Practice


Sophia Avramides is a RRII Certified Resonance Repatterning® Practitioner (CertPrdip) and a Scalar Heart Connection® Certified Practitioner. As such, she has signed and is committed to adhering to the RRII Code of Ethics and Standards of Practice. This means that Sophia:

  • Maintains and develops her knowledge and skill through the requirements for Continuing Education Units set out by the RRII.

  • Uses only the techniques for which she is qualified by education, training, and certification, to the extent and degree that they are an integral part of Resonance Repatterning®, Magui Block® method and Scalar Heart Connection®.

  • Makes no claim of diagnosis, treatment, or cure using energy healing methods.

  • Refers clients when their needs are outside of her scope of practice and more specialized care is needed. Sophia Avramides is not a physician, psychiatrist, psychologist, chiropractor, nutritionist, physical therapist, or any other form of licensed healthcare professional.

  • Respects the diversity, fundamental rights, dignity, and worth of all people, and thus treats all clients equally and without prejudice.

  • Treats all clients with compassion, respect, and regard of their needs.

  • Maintains appropriate professional and personal boundaries with clients.

  • Conducts herself with honour, dignity, honesty, and fairness.

  • Maintains awareness, personal, and relationship coherence, honouring her need for self-care and using Resonance Repatterning®, Magui Block® method and Scalar Heart Connection® on herself and through exchanges with other practitioners as needed for this purpose.

  • Discloses any conflict of interest.

  • Uses only legal and ethical business practices.

  • Maintains compliance with Brazil’s laws and regulations.

  • Respects and abides by copyright laws that apply to the intellectual and written property of others and gives credit to those whose theories, methods, research and other contributions are used.

  • Protects client privacy as outlined in Anasa360’s privacy policy.

  • If written consent is provided by a client to discuss a session with another practitioner or other professional, personally identifiable and other information is limited only to what is necessary to the exchange.

  • Makes sure that clients are advised of and give clear consent to each energy healing method used in a session.

  • When working with children under 18 years of age, obtains permission from the child and their parents/legal guardians for the session.

  • Limits physical touch to a gentle contact on the client’s arm for the purpose of muscle checking, with the client’s prior consent. If a modality is needed that requires touch, she obtains client permission beforehand. When sessions are conducted through video conferencing, by phone, or by proxy, she muscle checks on her own muscles on the client’s behalf.


​4. Fees and Cancellation Policy

Fees are charged by the session. Sessions with Sophia Avramides combine Scalar Heart Connection® (SHC) and Resonance Repatterning® (RR) as needed. In addition, Magui Block® method (MBM) is used with your consent, where appropriate. Discounts for sessions are available as follows:

Session name/type



Fee *


One session

50 minutes


As easy as one, two, three

3 sessions (10% discount) – valid for 6 months from date of purchase

3 sessions of 50 minutes each


A season of sessions

5 sessions (15% discount) – valid for 1 year from date of purchase

5 sessions of 50 minutes each


Cheaper by the dozen

10 sessions (20% discount) – valid for 2 years from date of purchase

10 sessions of 50 minutes each


Group Sessions

Group sessions

50 - 90 minutes


*All prices are in US dollars

The above table shows our current fees. Please note that all fees are subject to change. Any changes in fees will be communicated in advance and will be prospective, i.e. only apply to future sessions and not sessions that have already been paid for. Fees for a session are payable no less than 48 hours in advance of the session. Paypal is used for this transaction through our website.

Twenty four (24) hour notice is required for any cancellation or rescheduling of an appointment, in order to give us the opportunity to offer that time-slot to another client. Cancellations made less than twenty four (24) hours in advance of your session will be charged in full. However, unless you request otherwise, you will receive your session, as paid for, by proxy at the time of your scheduled appointment.

In the unlikely event that Sophia cancels an appointment, you will be offered an alternative appointment time or receive a full refund. Sophia has the right to discontinue sessions with any client, at any time, and/or to make referrals to other qualified professionals, as deemed necessary.


Please initial to show you understand, agree with, and accept the Fees and Cancellation Policy as outlined above:



I have read and understood the above and take full responsibility for my own well-being. I understand that for all medical or psychological concerns including medication and supplements, I am responsible for consulting the healthcare practitioner(s) of my choice. I consent to the Privacy Policy, fees, and Cancellation Policy of Anasa360 as outlined above and I have received a copy of the above document. I agree to maintain in confidence the content of all Group Sessions. I consent to Resonance Repatterning®, Magui Block® method and/or Scalar Heart Connection® sessions with Sophia Avramides.


Client Signature:



E-signing your name in the space provided will be considered your signature and submitting this agreement for services form electronically will constitute your acceptance and agreement with it. This agreement becomes effective as of the date signed above.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your Resonance Repatterning® session, Magui Block® method session, or Scalar Heart Connection® session and are unable to find resolution directly with Sophia Avramides, you are invited to contact the Resonance Repatterning International Institute at, Magui Block at or Scalar Heart Connection at respectively.

© 2023 by Sophia Avramides, CPF: 234.911.008-79, all rights reserved

Rua Corinto 543, Sao Paulo, Brazil
We are dedicated to protecting your privacy and ensuring your satisfaction with our services
Learn about our Privacy Policy and Cancellation, Exchange and Refund Policy

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